Hi, I'm Ashirbad Pradhan

PhD student in Systems Design Engineering

Ashirbad Pradhan

Hi, I'm Ashirbad Pradhan

PhD student in Systems Design Engineering

Haptics with force sensing (game)

2 minutes
January 17, 2022

For a course project it was proposed to build an augmented stylus and integrate it into a surgical training tool. The motivation for choosing such a topic is to provide low-cost (~200 CAD) haptic-based surgical training which can be used to train not only high school students but also professionals in the field. Currently, other high fidelity training tools have high graphical rendering. Our novelty lies with the cheaper cost and with the use of an augmented stylus for force sensing and haptic feedback.

Force sensors were integrated with the Haply board to understand the application of pressure during surgical training and how it could be translated to cutting procedures during surgery. The two stated objectives in the proposal document were :

  1. to design a force-sensing augmented stylus (FAS), and
  2. to design a haptic (multi-modal) based learning interface (UI) for surgical training using FAS. The learning interface would include a game-based approach where users will be provided metrics/scores and can track their learning through multiple trials.

Objectives and Motivation

The first iteration was proposed to include the design of FAS and to design a wall in the UI to simulate the cutting action by mapping FSR data to the incision extent. Force feedback was to be provided for wall detection. However, on meeting with the mentors it was suggested to implement the gamification-based approach for learning as well in the first iteration. This would allow enough improvement by the end of the final iteration. With this the iteration objectives were defined:

  1. To design a Haply stylus with a force-sensitive resistor (FSR) and establish their connection to Haply board.
  2. To design walls/blocks for simulating the body organs and to implement the cutting action.
  3. Haptics comprising of force-feedback for the organ detection and cutting.
  4. Game development to implement the tasks with varying difficulties and generate metrics out of them.

The remainging objectives will be completed in the following weeks.