High Density Electromyography (HD EMG)

The High Density Electromyography Signal processing tool is designed using MATLAB. The user interface allows to plot heat maps from multichannel EMG sensors. It also allows standard signal processing such as 1) filtering 2) change epoch size 3) extract Centre of Gravity (CoG) from the heat maps and 4) extract feature values at certain timestamps: amplitude, frequency, intensity, entropy.

The OTBiolab Sessantaquatro sensor is placed on the individual’s quadriceps muscle while they perform a leg extension.
The centre of gravity (COG) as seen through the entire muscle contraction duration (time series).
High Density EMG provides enhanced information about muscle activity as compared to a single channel. Certain specific applications of HDEMG include localization of muscle activity during a contraction, getting spatial information about the activity in a specific region and for anatomically-specific rehabilitation for certain clinical populations such as stroke and amputations.
Research Publications
High-Density Electromyography Provides Improved Understanding of Muscle Function for Those with Amputation
Kuruganti, U., Pradhan, A., & Toner, J. Frontiers in Medical Technology
Effect of age and sex on strength and spatial electromyography during knee extension
Pradhan, A., Malagon, G., Lagacy, R., Chester, V., & Kuruganti, U. Journal of Physiological Anthropology
An Investigation of HDEMG Spatial Parameters in Individuals with Transtibial Amputation.
Kuruganti, U; Gaudet*, J; Pradhan, A.; Toner, J. CMBES Proceedings. The 44th Conference of The Canadian
Medical and Biological Engineering Society
High Density EMG Spatial Distribution of the Vastus Lateralis during Isometric Knee Extension in Young and Older Men and Women
Pradhan, A., Chester, V., & Kuruganti, U. CMBES Proceedings